Offer a Full Range of Courses at an Educational Site

The Board of Governors requires approval to offer the full range of lower level courses at an educational site apart from the main campus. The BOG will put proposals on the action agenda only in November each year, so all proposals must be through the UF internal process and ready to submit to BOG by September 17th of a given year.

Process Steps

The academic approval tracking system will automatically route the request (including all accompanying forms and documents) to the following groups for approval and/or notification.

  1. AA (Approval is required from Academic Affairs.)
  2. UCC (Approval is required from the University Curriculum Committee.)
  3. FSSC (Approval is required from the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.)
  4. Senate (Approval is required from the Faculty Senate.)
  5. SACSD [N] (The UF SACS Director is notified of the request.)
  6. AA (Approval is required from Academic Affairs.)
  7. BOT (Approval is required from the Board of Trustees.)
  8. BOG (Approval is required from the Board of Governors.)
  9. AA [N] (Academic Affairs is notified of the request.)
  10. OUR (Approval is required from the Office of the University Registrar.)
  11. OIPR [N] (The Office of Institutional Planning and Research is notified of the request.)

Required Documents

Begin the Academic Approval Process

When you have prepared the required documents, contact the Office of the Provost to begin the approval process.


Site Admin

  • Process ID: #206
  • Page name: educational_site_course_offer_full_range
  • Page title: Offer Full Range of Courses, Educational Site
  • URL: Offer Full Range of Courses, Educational Site
  • Form: BOG forms