Closing an Undergraduate Degree Program
Board of Governors Regulation 8.012 notes several reasons for program terminations, including but not limited to insufficient enrollment or student interest, duplicate programs, misalignment with mission or strategic plan, or changes in the discipline.
Process Steps
The academic approval tracking system will automatically route the request (including all accompanying forms and documents) to the following groups for approval and/or notification.
- Department (Approval is required from the Chair or other designated approver for the department that will offer the academic program, typically following review by the department curriculum committee.)
- College (Approval is required from the Dean or other designated approver for the college or unit in the preceding step, typically following review by the college curriculum committee.)
- APUG (Approval is required by the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs.)
- UCC (Approval is required from the University Curriculum Committee.)
- SACSD [N] (The UF SACS Director is notified of the request.)
- FSSC (Approval is required from the Faculty Senate Steering Committee.)
- Senate (Approval is required from the Faculty Senate.)
- SACSD (Approval is required from the UF SACS Director.)
- AA (Approval is required from Academic Affairs.)
- BOT (Approval is required from the Board of Trustees.)
- BOG (Approval is required from the Board of Governors.)
- AA [N] (Academic Affairs is notified of the request.)
- OUR (Approval is required from the Office of the University Registrar.)
- OIPR [N] (The Office of Institutional Planning and Research is notified of the request.)
- CAT (The change will be entered into the undergraduate catalog, effective in the term approved for the request.)
- SASS (The change will be entered into the Student Academic Support System, effective in the term approved for the request.)
- College [N] (The College is notified of request approval.)
Required Documents
Enter Academic Approval Tracking
When you have prepared the required documents, click the start button below to enter the approval tracking system (requires GatorLink login).

Site Admin
Process ID: #200
Page name: Degree_Close_Ugrad-Pro
Page title: Close Degree, Ugrad/Pro
URL: degree_close_ugrad-pro
Form: bog_program_termination_form